la beauté & nous

la beauté & nous


Un véritable coup de coeur !!

Hi girls :)

Today I come to tell you about my favorite perfume of the moment. 
Well I've always been addicted to perfumes but in recent months I only use "Life is Beautiful" and Lancome ouiii I love this perfume, This perfume smells more enjoyable I find sensual and captivating sound smell suits me perfectly "a real luxury confectionery", plus it takes a whole day without even having to recover and I even had plenty of nice compliments about this perfume ;)
In short, for all the girls who love perfumes that have sweet and delicious smell I strongly advise you ;)

A bientot mes chèries dans un nouvel article bisous xoxo 


1 commentaire:

  1. Hello Sarah,
    I confirm, it smells really nice! :)
    Mon coup de coeur pour le moment est plutôt une eau de toilette, Guess girl <3
